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The Ural flying club was opened in 1937 and has a rich history, eminent students and entire sports dynasties of paratroopers and pilots of small aircraft. Initially, the flying club worked as a base for training cadets for admission to the flight school, and later - for the front of the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War Khiuaz Dospanova and Leonid Beda used to train here. After the war, in 1956, a glider station was formed here, where paratroopers and glider pilots were trained, and they underwent full-fledged training. The heyday of the aviation club falls on the 70-80s. On the basis of the aviation club, republican competitions were held, and our Ural athletes won prizes in all-Union competitions.

This year, the flying club celebrated its 85th anniversary, the event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the flying club was held on May 29 at the Kordon airfield, in the area.

Telephone: +77772941549, +77076066066 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uralsk_airclub/ 


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