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Sacred objects of the West Kazakhstan region

Travel route: Uralsk-Syrymsky district - Chingirlausky district - Karatobinsky district - Uralsk.

Duration  2 days 

Cost     24 000 tenge 

Organizer  CHF "Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research" 

Objects to visit    Alash Orda Museum, Zhumagazy Khazret Mausoleum (Dademata), Sarkirama Kyz Auliye, Akkum Desert, Kaldygayty River, Segizsay Archaeological Complex.

Phone for booking - +7-777-612-01-82, Kurumbaev Aibolat Shamuratovich

+7 7112 510751
Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial-Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan region

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